Sunday, April 22, 2012

A typical Sunday

With work taking up most of the week usually, weekends can be busy. Much needs doing and this weekend was no exception. Saturday I was at work for most of the afternoon and evening for a live broadcasting event and today, well, today was a busy Sunday.

I started with assembling a piece of Ikea furniture that Connie brought home a few days ago. It is a bathroom cabinet with mirror that had many pieces of hardware, screws, divets and other bits. It tooks some time and careful instruction-interpreting but I managed to put it together and mount it on the wall.

After that it was time to wash my car. After a few drives to Redmond in the last couple of weeks it was rather dirty and every time I looked at it I got the urge to bust out the hose and give it a wash. So that's what I did this morning while Connie and Kai were at Kai's soccer practise. Audi brakes like to produce lots of dust so the first order of business is alway the wheels, followed by a shampoo of the body, then drying with the squeegee and finishing off with terry cloths.

After the car wash Connie and Kai came home and we had an improptu jam session:

It was the time to run errands, Kai and I went out while Connie stayed home to do some laundry and other chores. We headed for Trafiq bakery for a treat and a coffee, got groceries for dinner and cat food for our feline companions. Lego followed, Kai wanted a dragster so I built the frame plus motor for him to further decorate and build up.

Fixed rear axle, next up is a differential!

Once the dragster was self-propelling, I headed into the kitchen to make a big pot of Bolognese sauce for later this week. Throwing together a quick pasta on a weeknight is a lot easier with some pre-made sauce in the fridge. This is an old-school recipe with pancetta, ground pork, ground beef, onions, celery, carrots, oregano, tomatoes, milk and beef stock. Very rich but supremely delicious and comforting.

Kai and I just ate a coupe of panini I put together, Connie passed out on the sofa, she hasn't been feeling all that well today.

Now all that is left is clean up the kitchen, put Kai to bed, revive Connie and pass out very thoroughly!

I need a day off...

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